Fruity Boy

Matthew Choi

Period 4

It could be said that Fruity Boy is a Fruity Boy. You may be familiar with the game made by Halfbrick 13 years ago- Fruit Ninja. Well, during this same era, a different game was also formed: Ninja. Now this game wasn't as popular, it consisted of using people instead of fruit as the targets to hit. Yeah I know, a little disturbing. It was because of this reason that the game flopped. Then the developers hit a stroke of *genius*. Instead of having humans being the target, why not copy the idea of fruit, transitioning the plain fruit to people made of fruit.

Thus, Fruity Boy was born. Needless to say, this game was also a major flop as the main game "Fruit Ninja" was easily blowing these knockoff games out of the water. Until this year, Fruity Boy has been in hiding, ashamed of himself, and in hiding. He just wasn't accepted into the human or the fruit community. He, a human made of fruit, landed in the gray area in between these two groups. He was afraid of stepping out of his house, in fear of the human assasinators and the fruit assacidnators (these weren't as effective but still intimidating).

This all changed when the lettuce guacamole bacon tomato quesadilla group started to gain traction in society. There were becoming a real force to be reckoned with. Fruity Boy now felt comfortable to be a function member of society. His once suppressed self was now being supported and even empowered. Those that opposed him were immediately shut down and rejected by the rest of the public. He now resides in San Fransisco where he be seen living out his best life.